Säästä rahaa remontissasi

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Urakkamaailmasta löydät luotettavan urakoitsijan remontillesi.

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Pyydä tarjouksia remontillesi

House renovation desinger and responsible foreman


 Rakennuksen tyyppi



150 m2



 Rakennuksen ikä


 Remontin toteutus





Remontin valvonta
Rakennuttaminen ja projektijohto


I would like to do some majar renovateion for our house, include changing bathroom location and repartition, changing the stiarcase location, etc. So I need desinger to draw the plans for applying permits and also responsible foreman for the project as I would like to do the parts can be DIY.
of course, for the eletric and plumging, I would like to hire professionals to do the job. thanks.

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