Säästä rahaa remontissasi

Kilpailuta remonttisi minuuteissa

Urakkamaailmasta löydät luotettavan urakoitsijan remontillesi.

  • Ilmaiseksi
  • Nopeasti
  • Luotettavasti

Pyydä tarjouksia remontillesi



 Rakennuksen tyyppi



40 m2



 Rakennuksen ikä


 Remontin toteutus





Pistorasian asennus


- Vesipisteitä täytyy siirtää
- Liesituulettimen siirto on tarpeellinen
- Keittiössä joudutaan kaatamaan seinä tai seiniä
- Urakkaan ei kuuluu keittiön lattiaremonttia
- Uusia tai vaihdettavia pistorasioita on yhteensä 3

Information about my kitchen:
- Based on the current layout, it would need to remove some walls from the sink and dishwasher side while adding a fake wall with a plastic or wooden panel, or build a wall at the column side (prefer to have affordable options)
- The kitchen design can be found here: https://kitchen.planner.ikea.com/fi/en/planner/?projectId=6D42C09F-93A8-42CD-ABD6-D013321AC9BD&ref=share
- A breakfast cabinet (in Finnish aamiaiskaappi) including the oven - a socket to be inside the cabinet.
- The current floor in the kitchen is covered by another layer that needs to be removed and revealed. I prefer the original wooden floor if possible.
- The current kitchen is planned to be sold and it'll be gone before the renovation.
- Asbestos tests were conducted 1.5 years ago twice on different surfaces.

- The Ikea kitchen studio planner said that based on my desired layout, the dishwasher hob (155cm) wouldn't be long enough to connect with the sink. Would there be a hack or solution to make it work? (an extended hob with an IKEA dishwasher or having a compatible dishwasher somewhere else?)

When sending me a quotation:
- A quotation including electricity, plumbing and all possible costs as total with separate categories

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